
The information provided in this document is intended solely for informational purposes and is not legal advice or an offer to buy, sell, or engage in any transactions with cryptocurrencies or other financial instruments. The VES Project and its associated tokens do not guarantee any returns or investment outcomes.

Investing in cryptocurrencies and participating in blockchain projects involves a high level of risk, including, but not limited to, the potential loss of all invested funds, high price volatility of tokens, and risks associated with the unregulated nature of the cryptocurrency market. Before deciding to participate in the VES project or invest in its tokens, potential users and investors should carefully assess their financial capabilities, experience in cryptocurrency investments, and readiness to face possible risks.

No part of this document should be interpreted as coercion to invest, and every potential investor should consult with professional financial, tax, or legal advisors to ensure the correctness of their conclusions and the legality of their transactions. The VES Project and its developers are not responsible for any direct or indirect losses caused by using, referencing, or relying on any information contained in this document.

All forecasts, scenarios, and conclusions made in this material are based on assumptions that may not materialize. While the information in this document has been obtained from sources considered reliable, the accuracy and completeness of such information are not guaranteed and may be subject to change without notice.

Last updated