
Our application uses JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authentication and authorization.

The JWT must be included in the HTTP request headers using the Authorization header with the Bearer schema. Example:

You can obtain a JWT token by sending a POST request with your signature to the following endpoint:

POST /api/auth/login

! Your account will be registered after you create Eth smart contract via Factory contract.

This endpoint have 3 body parameters:

1) signer: who create ves-contract

2) timestampInMs: timestamp in milliseconds, also it is message which signer must sign

3) signature: signature which contains timestampInMs value which sign by signer

! timestampInMs must be more/less than current time maximum on 5 minutes

Example request:

Example response:

Response contains 3 fields in data object:

1) accessToken: JWT token

2) refreshToken: string which using to refresh access token when it expired

3) accessExpiryAt: time when access token will expire, access token life is 15 minutes

4) refreshExpiryAt: time when refresh token will expire, refresh token life is 24 hours

When your access token expired, you can refresh it via endpoint

POST /api/auth/refresh

This endpoint have 3 body parameters:

1) expiredAccessToken: JWT token which you want refresh

2) refreshToken: refresh token which you get with access token

! You need provide refresh token which you get with access token, or refreshing will cancel

Example request:

Example response:

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